Online Earnings Disclosure

We provide links to books and resources that have been useful to us in the course of delivering our project and change management services to our customers and clients. If you click on a link to a book listed on Amazon, and then go on to buy the book from Amazon, we may receive a small commission. This doesn't in any way affect your purchase price but helps us to maintain and grow our online resources.

Reviews and opinions are not influenced by any affiliate agreement we have in place.

As per the Amazon Operating Agreement we must state that we are a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In other words, as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

We also disclose that we are an affiliate of Cave Day, a co-working service providing facilitated online work sessions that help with focus and accountability. These have been helpful to our team and we are proud to promote their services.

Please use our contact form if you have any questions about this earnings disclosure or the affiliate schemes. We welcome your queries and are happy to chat.